before continue, what i wanna say is --> if you not understand what i say, then you may just ignore..
life :
'no streamyx no life' was a slogan that i used when i newly moved to be auntie's neighbour.. and now only i realized that 'no lappie no life'.. it had been 1 month ++ that my baby in coma mode. although i can use sis's lappie after work, but it's not mine, the feel is totally different. i miss my lappie very much!!
work :
i thought i enjoy what i'm doing now.. yeah! i am.. if nothing happened.. i now only understand why B & V don't want to talk so much in front of the guy.. i admit that i'm devil. so.. i think he would be a GHOST! when he said those things to my 'beloved' manager in front of me, i didn't explain anything.. again.. my reputation dropped.. someone asked me why i don't want to clarifiy, why i don't want to tell her the whole story.. what you say? others might think that explanation is just an excuse.. i believe that 'cheng jei ji cheng'.. no point if you don't believe me and i keep explaining to clarify.. and if you trust me, then i no need to explain you also will believe me, right?
in Facebook, sis & anggeline mentioned, must know how to avoid or be spontenous & intelligent when communicate with others, "see people speak people language, see ghost speak ghost language'', dont give any chance to backstab me! so.. maybe i can try to be mute to reduce the chances of being backstab..
friend :
feel guilty to those friends such as the 6A2 gang members whose convo just passed and i did not attent; the gang which we supposed to go genting together but due to some reasons i cannot go; jessy about the last night cases yang mempersiasuikan & men-worry-kan; wei tat about his birthday party, yew about....
family :
cannot help anything even i know the problems.. mum, sis, everyone's problem that i cannot help..
heard that grandpa was in hospital again because asthma.. hopefully he won't be bullied and sent to hospital again..
money money :
most most most important point! haha..
money never enough!!!
dream :
the volunteer dream is that still can achieve? i wonder..
huu... many things still not yet finish.. many plan still not yet start on.. my life is like in the hell now.. so i transform myself to be a bloody devil [地獄來の血腥惡魔女] so that the life in hell won't be too bad for me! and maybe i can enjoy the life like this ^.~

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