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Bersih 3.0

Few days passed. Seems like the government still could not give us the answers we want.

A lots of news spread over Facebook and other media online. However, our local newspapers & TV media do not keep their stand as media, which should be fair but not be siding any party, even if it is government. Yes. Our government successfully controls the media. This made our local media unreliable anymore. Even with paid media, our beloved government also using its way to censored some part of the news from BBC. What's the big joke!!

i'm doubting the truth behind those cases like knocking the police car, grabbing the gun of policeman, crossing the line to enter Dataran Merdeka after Dato Ambiga announced dismiss,... i wonder... what made all these happened? i do believe that most of the participants are not mean to be violent. i do believe that there must be something behind, e.g. the actor/policeman from Bangladesh??

i'm Malaysian. We are Malaysians! what we want is just a fair CLEAN election. what we want is just a government that listen to us, care & concern us. It's very simple, isn't it?




很讨厌自己,为什么会这样?我又不是什么公主小姐,又不是很有钱,为什么会有这样的富贵病!! 为什么它要看上我?!


这两年花在Sunway Medical Center 和 Subang Medical Center 的钱还不够多吗?是不是真的要我去到Gleneagles才甘愿?储蓄的钱都花的七七八八了,是不是要我破产才甘愿?




人生总有许多的抉择。想过得开心些,思想就得放简单,不要去想[如果],“如果当初我这么选,……”“如果那时候我这样做的话,……” STOP!! 没有这些[如果]! 如果我想那么多,简单的生活变得复杂,原本的开心也会减少了。

这几天,想了很多[如果],“如果我这样子,以后会比较好过吗?”, “如果我放弃这个,将来后悔怎么办?”,很多的[如果]、 很多的问号,全都是未知的答案。简单悠闲的日子突然变烦恼了。







It's time to make the decision, after 2 relaxing months, deadline is finally here!!

Hope that i can be greedy to grab both, but unfortunately i could not. i have to choose either sacrifice the course or the chance. i do really hope that i can have both. i do really hope that both can be at the same place. i do really hope that i got 2 me so that i can be here and there. i do really hope so. but this world is always cruel. i have to choose one. i have to sacrifice one.

Aquarius is the one who dislike/unable to make decision, even choose what for dinner or colour of cloths. it's really difficult for me to decide especially these 'unknown' roads. i do not know what is the scene if i turn left. i do not know the scene at right as well. i can hear some soft melody from the left, it is kevin kern's music! listen to the right, oh no! there's songs from il divo! both also what i love! how to choose??

Remember 'The Road Not Taken'? Suddenly think of it, eventhough i did not read the story actually. i even forgot it appeared in my form 4 or form 5 life, or maybe form 6? anyway, not important, just suddenly appear in my mind only.

Can i go straight? Can i stop here? Can the fate tell me which side i should turn? i hate T-Juntion :(

after a nite out with sistas

it had been some times that we did not meet up.

remember that time when sai mui left the family, we did promise each others to meet up at least once per month. however, after i left, after a lot of things happened around us, 3 of us focus on our own problems, and the time to gather reduce tremendously.

i had my dinner date with darling, and i thought that would be only 2 of us, but it was so surprise that sai mui said she would be joining us after her class :)

1st time, i heard my darling said she wants to 'have a drink'. surprise and what i said to her 'finally you 'dai goh loi jor' congratulations!'. not sure i should be happy or worry. happy because i have a new kaki. worry because i know that she is stepping the way i walked before.

people around me spread the words that i can drink very well. eventhough i keep deny that i am not, but who cares? even if i really can drink well, is this very good?? fine, only buddies know the truth.

back to the nite, it was just a few hours meet, but we shared lots of our recent news, problems, solutions, point of views,... i got a clearer picture of what kind of decision i should make.

3 of us always have the same 'fate'. we always face the same problems almost at the same time. no matter we know it before or during the things happen, or sometimes even after that only we find out, it was always amaze that we are facing or having the same things at the same time.

this time around, our result/decision should out next week before wednesday. we do really hope each others can have get something good on the day. really wish that god will bless us. wish the good news will be sending to us soon.