since lip chin r 'chi chu'.. mm.. (actually.. got 'du ji' o nt? haha..)
so.. tis blog.. v focus on u, lip chin..
1st, i wan 2 say thx 2 u, lip chin.. thanks 4 readin my blog, lip chin..
2nd things i wan 2 say 2 lip chin 1 is..
another 2 more weeks is lip chin's exam, hope lip chin can pass all ur subject wif very gd result!
then when lip chin come here, v can hang out 2gether.. wif pc, wif ls, wif may ying.. n if v go 2 um find may ying, then v can 'shun bian' visit yun yin, hehe..
oh, tis lip chin thought i jz remember pc onli bcz of tat 060107.. haha.. actually no lah! "lip chin, u r de special 1 u noe? :p" stil remember tat pin wif ur name? u r de 1st 1 who get it.. n til now.. onli u hv it.. badguy 1 stil at my place.. n pc 1.. i nt yt do.. :p (c lah! bcz of u, i cant keep tis little secret of myself.. later pc noe i din do 4 him he sure wil scold me 1!)
mm.. enough 10 lip chins liao.. can do endin liao.. hehe.. got 1 bonus 4 u somemore.. haha..
i promise u, sure i wil do it.. jz like last time wat u promise me, n u did it..
hope our friendship wil last til 4ever lah! hehe..
4 months ago
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