v r goin 2 move hse end of march!
frenz alwaz ask y v wan 2 move hse.. is tat bcz our hse got some1 else except 4 of us..
nonono! actually v planed 2 move hse b4 v noticed tat..
so y v wan 2 move?
there r several reason y i wan 2 move.. d environment is very terrible, quite far fr uni, quite far fr frenz ^^, mm... too expensive (nowadays i poor d.. haiz..) err... stil hv many, bt lazy 2 tell here..
so end of march v wil move out fr tis ~!@#$%^& hse..
jane wil move far fr us..
yul n bell wil move 2 old flat..
me.. i move 2 my ah ma's there.. hehe..
so sad.. once i move, i cant on9 everyday.. :'( haiz..
sure wil feel 周身不自在 uncomfortable.. cny 1 week onli i cant on9 oso feel wan 2 die d, now, if move there, dunno how.. haiz...
4 months ago
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