i hv 2 younger sis.. n both of them was born on june..
my real sis born on 7 june..
i cant remember how she celebrate her birthday, or actually nt celebrate at all most de time.. quite pity sometimes.. she juz hope tat v can celebrate wif her jz in a simple way.. tat 1 v all can do it actually.. cz she jz wan 2 go out 4 dinner.. bt.. tat day she called me n said tat.. my 2nd elder sis is nt willing 2 bring her out.. many times already.. she got hope n hopeless.. tis time, i wil try 2 do sth 4 her.. no matter how wif my 2nd sis.. her bday is on thu, so i'l bac bm on wed.. hopefully wat i plan wil success lah..
another younger sis was born on 6 june.. ( juz 1 day diff?? )
tis younger sis is some1 who alwaz care me, buli me, fight wif me, crazy wif me, cooperate wif me 2 buli ah ma n ah Ma.. haha.. cant 4get de memoriess v r 2gather.. watched 1 set of drama in 1n a half days, fighted 4 bed, times on beds (some1 sleep on top alwaz disturb ppl!!), shouted in room til senior came 2 knock our door,...
n i wil nvr 4get tat when final exam time last time.. was in pk.. took injection n sleep in pk.. she came n help me 2 go 2 take medicine.. n accompany me bac.. on tat 'journey' going bac.. suddenly.. i cant talk.. cant hear.. n my eyes bcome dark.. cant c anything.. so scared.. (dunno had she regret 2 bring me out fr pk o nt, haha.. cz dr said better stay there at least few hrs, n when i wan 2 go out, nurse oso asked me whether i'm ok already o nt, bt i 坚持 said i'm ok already :p ) luckily got she tat time, if nt, i faint at roadside oso nobody noe.. haha.. thx ya, gal.. luv u ^^
it's june now.. birthdays of my 2 younger sis r comin soon..
wish them 生日快乐 ^^
4 months ago
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