meaningful day 4 me..
few 'spies' beside me.. keep asking me whether i got go my sis hse o staying here 4 weekends..
n a big spy even can call fr pj 2 ask me abt cake things.. haha..
altho i'm a bit 'slow' sometimes.. i stil can sense sth ok?
n somemore ls already tell me mayb he wil come wif zx liao..
ok fine.. if they din come, den mayb is i sense wrongly..
at 4sth, rcv a mail.. friendster sent me a notification, tell me tat i rcv a testi/comment fr danny.. n through his comment, i comfirm tat they wil come, jz dunno how many of them wil come onli..
wen go 2 yul room chat.. n mayb they r planning how 2 'cheat' me.. haha.. den.. yul msn me ask me 2 go dinner 2gather abt 8pm..normally yul won't ask me like tat 1.. v nvr plan time.. (another po4 zhan4)
ok.. mayb they try 2 find way 2 let me wear better, so they ask me 2 paint my nails.. haha.. den after tat, 2 pei4 he2 our nails, v nit 2 wear better wor.. ok loh, i change clothes loh.. haha..
at jas cafe, ls come in 1st.. they thought i wil surprise.. haha.. tell u lah.. if may ying come in, den i really wil feel surprise (n very hapi).. paisei lah.. i muz act very surprise 1, bt i 4got d.. soli soli.. :p
ok.. now it's really surprise lah.. i nvr think tat u guys wil buy me a secret cake.. cz normally frenz wil onli buy a normal cake.. bt u guys buy cheese cake fr secret recipe.. thx ya so much.. especially when u guys enter my hse n stand in front of my room..
wif birthday song + wif candle wif light.. haha.. finally can make wishes.. kekeke.. i really nit 3 wishes 4 coming yr.. haha.. thx u guys again.. n hope wat i wish wil come true lah.. ^.~
take cake 2 auntie's hse.. her younger son at home bt lou kuan not there.. feel like auntie more sayang her younger son than lou kuan.. n v dun like her younger son's face when auntie take da cake 2 him.. haiz.. anyway, jz hope auntie n lou kuan wil share da hapines wif us lah.. her younger son.. if he dun like oso nvm lah.. since v not close wif him n v so beh syiok his patern..
ls bcome wu4 shi1, help ppl 2 'sui mia'.. when lou kuan bac, he join us oso.. finally he got chance 2 count after tat time auntie disagree.. bt he seems blur.. haha..
i'm soli 2 lc n zx, cz they look tired.. n yy jz talk wif bpang.. seems like i nt so gd enough 2 gather up all my frenz.. stil got a bit 'distance'.. luckily stil got ls,zx,..can join wif my hsemates (sure include my roommate lah, hehe..)..
oh ya! they r nt really celebrate my birthday lah.. they early few hrs.. :p they bac at 11sth.. tat time nt yt reach my birthday.. hehe..
bz take pics wif yul n wen after they bac til my birthday.. kekeke..
ls, read ur comment 4 my last post jz now.. yaya.. u all r special.. n really really hapi tat u all can come..
n actually dun blame danny lah.. if he din gv tat comment, i oso noe 1..
bpang, danny, green river, lean sheng, lip chin, may ying, wen, ying yin, yul & zhen xiang.. thx u guys so much.. i really appreciate the happiness u all brought me..
4 months ago
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