it was de 1st time i go election..
actually.. i bac bm last week.. not bcz of election.. i was bac jz bcz of my sis.. b4 cny, v already planned 2 go bac tat time.. when dad's birthday.. however, sharon bz wif her work, so i cant bac wif her.. thurs after class, it was abt 4.15pm, wait bus at fbmk, den ktm, lrt.. den reach pudu abt 5pm. get 5pm bus ticket wif rm35, f*ck! da bus jz like shit!it was a 45-seat-bus n got flies inside! kns!!
ok, fine, talk bac 2 election..
i din plan 2 vote actually.. bt dad n mum asked me 2 go since i registered d..
mood nt so gd bcz of da rain.. haiz.. i dun like 2 go out in raining day.. somemore is go 2 vote! i dun like politics! french politics, malaysia politics, ... n history as well.. i dun like all those boring subjects!!
joyce sent us 2 kim sen.. tat was my primary sch.. long long long long long time din go there d.. it hd lots of changes..
b4 enter da gate, there were some ppl outside, helped us 2 check our numbers n room's number.. mine at room #4 where dad n mum at room #2.. dad n mum straight entered de room where it was no other voter.. bt mine.. omg! long queue.. wait 4 so long.. haiz..
finally entered da room, n passed my ic 2 da ppl inside (haha.. paisei.. i dunno who r them n how 2 call them) den they pass da papers 2 me..
i walked 2 a table n started 2 stared on da 2 papers.. i nvr think think tat how simple 2 vote!! it's more, more, more,.., more simple than vote at uni.. i jz nit 2 choose 2 persons, each paper 1, n da calons r onli 2 for each.. u noe wat.. at uni, v nit 2 choose more dan 10 persons, n,.. every calon i oso dunno, n seems like nvr c them.. haha.. n de more complicate thing is.. our uni using pc 2 vote.. (tis is 1 of da reason y my uni 'famous', haha..)
ok, tat's all.. finish vote..
waitin 4 result.. when i hd my dinner wif family at auto-city, fren sms me.. at permatang pauh there got ppl fighting.. n simpang ampat (da fa yuan) there already got ppl died.. i nt sure it is truth o nt.. bt every1 was worried..
at granny's hse.. dad n aunties so excited seeing da results..
n.. emma called tat time.. she said tat dr.k looked very pity (she watched da news on tv, n she said tat he looked nt so gd n pity..)
wait wait wait... results nt yt finish dad nt yt got 'wan-2-go-home-heart'.. haiz..
p/s : these r da meanings of democracy, election, and vote
de·moc·ra·cy /dɪˈmɒk
si/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[di-mok-ruh-see] –noun, plural -cies.
1. | government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. |
2. | a state having such a form of government |
3. | a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges. |
4. | political or social equality; democratic spirit. |
5. | the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power. |
e·lec·tion /ɪˈlɛk
ʃən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciat[i-lek-shuh
n] –noun
1. | a vote to select the winner of a position or political office |
2. | the act of selecting someone or something |
3. | the status or fact of being elected |
4. | the predestination of some individuals as objects of divine mercy (especially as conceived by Calvinists) |
vote /voʊt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[voht] - noun, verb
- noun
1. | a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals. |
2. | the means by which such expression is made, as a ballot, ticket, etc. |
3. | the right to such expression: to give women the vote. |
4. | the decision reached by voting, as by a majority of ballots cast: The vote was for the resolution. |
5. | a collective expression of will as inferred from a number of votes: the labor vote. |
6. | an expression, as of some judgment: a vote of confidence. |
–verb (used without object)
7. | to express or signify will or choice in a matter, as by casting a ballot: to vote for president. |
–verb (used with object)
8. | to enact, establish, or determine by vote: to vote a proposed bill into law. |
9. | to support by one's vote: to vote the Republican ticket. |
10. | to advocate by or as by one's vote: to vote that the report be accepted. |
11. | to declare or decide by general consent: They voted the trip a success. |
12. | to encourage or cause to vote, esp. in a particular way. |
so plz.. understand those meaning & respect da results.. dun let 513 happen again..
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