this chinese new year.. there is no more chinese new year mood.. the weather, the environment, the people, the... at home, grannies' houses, everywhere..
as usual, chinese new year eve had our dinner at granny's house. besides the traditional dinner --> steamboat ( yup, traditional, because every year also the same, cannot change already, don't know why) besides steamboat, we had first activity to the 'old people' -- lou sang. the yee sang was bought by us when the four pretties of my mum went shopping. staright after that, we had a surprise from us, 'young people', to my ''small mushroom'', my auntie lah. that was her birthday. we bought her a cupcake and her youngest daughter bought her a blueberry cake. i thought this would be a good memory for aunt because granny boiled her some red eggs. she was so touching i think.
hmm.. every year, i start 'crying' around 12.00a.m. because of a senario like a song named - smoke get into my eyes. (yul, borrow your copywrite, thanks) this year, i prepare for it also. however, it did not happen this year, i don't know why, no more the feel..
as usual, first day of chinese new year sure we went to grannies' houses. started from last year or last 2 year, Ran them come to granny's on first day also because their 'ah mah' (paternal grandma) passed away. before we depart to granny's house, anggeline already called. haha.. she called to our home & i played a joke said that we were on the way, at traffic lights there almost reach.. haha.. and clever anggeline's brain turned very fast, she got a good question to ask -- your hand is so long can reach home to take the phone? hahaha.. fun!
pretties all like to take pictures, so do us. we took lots of photos at granny's house. but this year, we were not going to have our family photos. we had only our group pictures with the number of us, granny's pretty cucu, ....
this year, we went to maternal grandma's house late. we went at around 3 something 4 something. there was not much people there. we just stayed for awhile then went to nam mai's house, then mai po's house, then kampung. then finally went home.. planned to go online at night, but the plan cancelled after that.
second day of chinese new year.. please refer to the previous blog..
third day of the chinese new year.. may ying visited & then we went to jusco to meet sky. then we had 6A2 gathering at night. the attendances become lesser. and what is so different is -- there are more 6A1 guys joining us. kai pin is normal already, then now add on wen zhe, yen ling, .. mm.. is that can conclude that 6A2 guys are all very kind and friendly so guys from other class also like to join our gathering?? hehe..
forth day.. visited ting's house.. ting 'jio' us to have lunch at her house so me, lean sheng and may ying went. after that.. lean sheng sent me back and went to his girl friend's place. he came to pick me after a few hours to lip chin's house. finally can see lean sheng's girl friend. i only can saw her photos before but not her real people. now, finally i got a chance to meet her :)
fifth day.. went jusco with joyce, chris & ran. ran took leave and asked chris to go out at first. then don't know what happened, chris want to follow joyce & ran follow us to jusco. we met sharon there and then sharon & joyce busy shopping. me, chris & ran nothing to do, no mood to shopping, so we went to search for food. after a long time, finally they finished shopping, and we could went home, yippie!!
lean sheng asked if i want to go to meet kam boey. yea, sure! it had been years i did not see her. her mum still can recognise me :) we talked for a quite long time until the time lean sheng dated other gang of friends.
once i reached home, i called yee mei out already. feel guilty because it had been quite long time i did not reply her call & sms due to the reason 'i am busy' :p we went for tea at machang bubok. chatting chatting chatting.. and she mentioned that wannt sing k. the place is quite 'complicated' so i called U if he would like to be our 'security guard'. luckily he's ok and brought another 'security guard' there, hehe..
it had been a quite long time i did not sing k, my sound turn bad :( i forgot all the skills and lost my SWEET voice. damn miss the time when i always sing with wen.
then i back to kl..
it's time to go back to work..
but i still have no mood to work..
can i don't want to back to work???
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waa...your days really fully booked during CNY worr... So many gathering and outing~
Work hard this year to fulfill your dreamz~
fully booked? where got?
no lah! people i want to meet also not yet meet then come back already :(
but i met someone i ADMIRED (that leng lui that i highly introduce you girls one leh! the blog i recommended you all one ah!!), i met her at jusco cashier there. she queed in front of me, and we managed to talk for awhile :)
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