quite negative recently.
It had been half year i work in this company. However, i lost my passion here after 2 months! what's the big difference compare with my previous company?!
now only i understand what my ex-boss said. 'culture' is very important in a company. most of the time, i enjoyed the culture & environment of my previous company. i love my job! i love the 2 bosses, i love my manager, i love my colleagues, i love to be a part of the family!!
here, in this new company, eventhough it is a listed company, but it is just a company and i'm just one of the staffs. this is the culture here.
that time when my ggm told me her plan, i really so excited and thought the changes will come soon. everything will turn better. However, it has been months and i still could not see/heard any of the news.
understand that it will take some time. know that this is not a decision can made easily. i just wonder if this plan is still on.
sometimes, when i notice something which should not be, or something which suppose to be better, i really wanted to help and sometimes i did try to help. with my post, it's not so easy for me to help up even when i tried my best. i really hope someone with more power is here to stop/prevent those unwanted things to happen, or here to solve the problems.
if i'm going to leave, or if i'm going to stay until i finish my study, should i say out what is in my mind? should i share my opinions? should i?
i'm here for half year, saw lots of things happened, i realize something, and i lost my passion.
i really hope that i can re-find my passion here. i really hope that i can survive here. i really do.
4 months ago
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