There's a debate between DAP & MCA today at Berjaya Times Square, titled [Malaysian Chinese at the Political Crossroads].
i missed the debate as i was at sunway carnival with buddies. however, as a malaysian chinese, as a penangnite, i switch on my lappie (which i did not on for few days) immediately to follow the news.
first video i watched is a video called [Jessie Ooi 的发问片断]. it's really funny until i can't stop laughing!! oh my god! i know that i'm betrayal. i found that she is more powerful than leehom. i used to listen to leehom's songs when my mood is bad. and now, i feel that i should watch this video clip whenver my mood is bad, because it can make me laugh easily.
jessie ooi, now called as 拖车女 is 'Lady of the Day' today. Jeremy Lin took a few days to be famous among different levels, but this tow-car-aunty just need a few hours to be famous! the name spread faster than virus around on FB, in forum, and etc.
Lessons i learnt from this 半个槟城人 today as below..
Think before you act.
Even though you are stupid, you should not do/act/ask questions stupidly. please do only ask related/relevant questions especially in front of public, else you will just like a fool, like one of the comments in your page, 'It seems to me nothing is right in your left brain and nothing is left in your right brain.'
It's too late to regret if you take a wrong step.
Once you speak/act stupidity in the rebate, your 'reputation' raise. as you did not respect the fair of the rebate, you must be prepared to receive all bad in reflection. there's no use to delete negative comments in your page, and i know that you understand, hence, you straight away delete the page. however, do you think that people will stop easily just like how you delete the page? NO! you will bring more negative image to public.
Better die with honour than live with shame.
At this moment, as a penangnite, i guess your mother-in-law is feeling shame. put myself in her shoe, if i were your mother-in-law, i really feel so shame to have this kind of daughter-in-law. i have no face to stay here, facing the real penangnites everyday. i feel sorry to everyone here.
here, i guess i did not touch anything on politic right? i'm not touching any sensitive issue here or i did? i'm not really into politic and not really want to critic anything from political view. i just trying to share something from my point of view, trying to share some lessons i learnt from today hottest news, which is lesson of moral.
as a gal (even i'm not 'lady' enough and even my buddies treat me as 'bro'), i really have to remind myself always not to be like this tow-car-auntie, really have to aware and control myself not to be like 泼妇骂街 and spoil my image in public.
click play to view the joke of the day:
4 months ago
what i most cannot accept is.......她还走音叻!!! arrrghhhh...beh tahan。。她可以骂,可以叫。。。但也请顾一下形象嘛。。毕竟是个淑女。。。=..=
是啦! 害我现在出门都怕怕,每天提心吊胆,担心如果发生什么事,我一时控制不住,好像她这样,完全没有形象,那我真的去整容算了!不然都不知道要怎样见人… (虽然平时我也没有什么形象可言,可是,她,她真的很够力咧!分数被扣到negative几多都不够…)
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