yes! i'm jobless for 1 month & 6 days now!
people around me keep asking me if i found my job or start to find new job yet, or another type of question will be, what i do during this period, won't i feel boring?
fine, even it's already 1 month, but i feel like i just rest for few days, yeah! holidays is never enough!
i applied for a few job online, answered a few calls asked me for interviews, rejected a few, and went for 3 interviews. everyone, include myself, feels that i'm not seriously look for a job, mmm.. maybe.
i'm still considering if i should get a fulltime job or i should get a parttime job like bibi so that i can have more time on my study. however, if Taylor's job is on, i guess i have to postpone my course again because i might not be able to rush to serdang in 1 hour after work, especially puchong toll there is always jam like hell.
since my secondary school life, i never stop working without any income like now. i worked in restaurant, worked as a promoter, teach in tuition center, worked as a barista, then worked for euro-trichokare for more than 2 years.. and then i started my first job in BP then worked in CSB.. non-stop..
Can u believe, my first holidays after i worked so hard, is only to HK?! my France trip bubbled, my graduate trip with coursemates gone, my gadgets wait and wait for me but i couldn't grab them, and the debt is getting more and more!!
now, i started to realize that no matter how much effort i put, no matter how much i earn, all those good things, e.g. $, will leave me either slowly or by sudden. so, what's for i torture myself and treat myself so bad?
remember that time after graduate? everyone played for more than 3 months, some even half year, and i just work non-stop running here and there for euro-trichokare, even during final exam period. to balance myself, my emo, i should enjoy my moment now! giving a long holidays for myself :)
4 months ago
jobless in SG for 2 months before coming back here to be jobless for another 2 months LOL tomorrow I got interview *fingers crossed*
Nath, good luck for your interview ^o^
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