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it had been 3 years...

maternal grandma left exactly 3 years today..

uncle still laying on the bed in hospital.. even on his birthday few days ago..

heard mama say that the doctor seems trying to get us to get him home since nothing much they can do now.. but anyone willing to take care of him? anyone can? haiz...

it had really been tough years since 2008..

grandma, u must popi everyone especially your sons..

sleepy blue monday

my upper eyelids love my lower eyelids so much that they kiss each others quite often today.

i fell asleep quite early last night but i not understand why i feel so sleepy now. Is that because i am too free? NO! There's 2 write-ups that i need to write and some other things need to do.

thought of taking some coffee but i seriously do not think that coffee is a good solution at this critical stage. Hence, i found something which definitely will help -- REDBULL.

Not sure it's applicable to everyone or only me. i really feel that REDBULL is a very good solution to kick the sleepy worm out. even though i not really like that sweetness of it taste, i like to take it when i really need some energy.

my 1st drink of Redbull is during the time i took DELF. i was so stress until i felt want to give up because i was the only person to take the exam at that level among my friends. i faced it alone. i am not that kind of person who study very hard, but i like to burn midnight oil. that was the time i was 1st contacted with Redbull. Since then, i found my secret to be energized. LOL

and now, after around 15 minutes of taking REDBULL, i am now widely awake. Going to start my work now. Gambatene to myself p(^.^)q

happy birthday

eventhough you are laying on the bed of hospital, still, gonna send my wishes to you.. hope you can pass through all those suffer, wake up, be healthy and celebrate for more birthdays for the continuous yearsssss...


那时候,离乡背井的我,竟然连个粽子都没吃到,结果,好心的BB同情我这可怜人,从家里带了个粽子给我。连续两年吃到BB请的粽子,其实还蛮感动的,只差没掉几颗泪而已 >.<










uncles in hospital

There's lots of things happen recently.

2 uncles admitted to hospital in the same day. Uncle Jing admitted to Gleneagles, because he fell down when he was at work. As how he said, is not so serious, admitted to hospital because doctor need to check whether there's any bone cracked or not.

Uncle Chai, the most serious one. He was sent to hospital by someone else. The story i heard is, he fainted during he went for treatment. He stopped breathing while he was in the ambulance on the way to hospital. The doctor even told us that uncle's situation is at the critical stage.

1 week passed. i am quite worry that i got a call from mom during work telling me the bad news. Can't deny that i got phobia since few years ago when paternal grandpa passed away. I could not stop crying in the office, until boss and whole account personnel stopped meeting and came out to ask me what happened.

Uncle Kong and Aunt Guet came back from Johor & KL yesterday. I can't stand to hear this kind of news because it means something gonna happen soon. I not really sure should consider this as good or bad, seems Uncle Chai is still alive but suffering laying in hospital depending on the machine to breath. I guess everyone is ready to receive the news, but still, the worry and sad is still there.

Do you believe in miracle? I did.
Can miracle show me that my past experience is wrong? Can miracle show me that i should keep believing on it?

Dov’è L’Amore - Where is the love?

a song by my all time fav singers..

Sogni Fuggiti (escaped dreams)
Pensiero rapiti (thoughts kidnapped)
Qui solo con te (here alone with you)
Dov’è L’Amore (where is the love)
Dov’è quell ardore (where is the passion)
Se ne e’ andato via con te (its been away with you)
Per te (for you)
Parlami d’amore (talk to me of love)
Con la mano sul cuore (with my hand on my heart)
Per te (for you)
Mi parlavi col canto (I spoke with the song)
Ora parlo col pianto (now I speak with tears)
Ma perche (but why)
Dov’è L’Amore (where is the love)
Ho ancora nel cuore questa nostaligia di te (I have the nostalgia of you in my heart)
Per te (for you)
Mi parlavi d’amore (you spoke to my of love)
Con la mano sul cuore (with your hand on your heart)
Per te (for you)
Mi parlavi col canto  (I spoke with the song)
Ora parlo col pianto (now I speak with tears)
Per te (for you)
Dov’è L’Amore (where is the love) 

Dov’è L’Amore (where is the love) 


那阵子, 当我在犹豫着该怎么走接下来的路的时候,在一个偶然的机会下,看到了这本书,一本原本打算借,最终却忍不住买下的书。


感觉松了,现在的生活也比之前开心多了。噢,不!应该说,现在过的才是生活!之前的根本就是Les Misérables >.<



心,沉沉地,灰灰地,很不舒服 :(