my upper eyelids love my lower eyelids so much that they kiss each others quite often today.
i fell asleep quite early last night but i not understand why i feel so sleepy now. Is that because i am too free? NO! There's 2 write-ups that i need to write and some other things need to do.
thought of taking some coffee but i seriously do not think that coffee is a good solution at this critical stage. Hence, i found something which definitely will help -- REDBULL.
Not sure it's applicable to everyone or only me. i really feel that REDBULL is a very good solution to kick the sleepy worm out. even though i not really like that sweetness of it taste, i like to take it when i really need some energy.
my 1st drink of Redbull is during the time i took DELF. i was so stress until i felt want to give up because i was the only person to take the exam at that level among my friends. i faced it alone. i am not that kind of person who study very hard, but i like to burn midnight oil. that was the time i was 1st contacted with Redbull. Since then, i found my secret to be energized. LOL
and now, after around 15 minutes of taking REDBULL, i am now widely awake. Going to start my work now. Gambatene to myself p(^.^)q
4 months ago
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