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想念 在 云朵间

突然想念起在CSB的时候... 那时,心情不好,想出去喘口气的时候, 只要下去可以找Gino陪我抽烟, 不然,走到后面的7-11就可以买到, 可是,现在,当我呼吸不到的时候,要找根烟都很难,啊!! 回来到现在,多久没抽烟了, 多久,不需要像之前那样, 在忙碌迫撤的时候依赖那吞云吐雾间短暂的松弛。 如果你问我,抽烟真的可以减压吗? 我会老实地告诉你,不会。 那为什么还要抽烟? 很难去解释那原因,更难去形容那感觉, 也许,就像溺水的人般, 也许,就像得了高山症, 也许,就是那么需要大口大口的呼吸, 需要一个喘息的小空间,小时段。 今天,EQ试卷成绩糟得一塌糊涂。 很想就那么,让它“肥佬”下去。 累。




忘了Form 5的中文老师叫什么名了,可是,还很清楚地记得她说过一句话——有感情才会哭。





if u understand..



le renard et la fleur

当狐狸爱上玫瑰 是否已经准备遍体鳞伤
当玫瑰爱上狐狸 会否愿意拔除身上的刺

当狐狸爱上玫瑰 是否能够让玫瑰保持高贵
当玫瑰爱上狐狸 会否舍弃最好的物质享受

当狐狸爱上玫瑰 当玫瑰爱上狐狸 当狐狸和玫瑰相爱
愿他俩可以共同经历风雨 微笑迎向雨后的阳光彩虹


 le petit prince 小王子 the little prince
C'est alors qu'apparut le renard.
-Bonjour, dit le renard. 
-Bonjour, répondit poliment le petit prince, qui se tourna mais ne vit rien.
-Je suis ià, dit la voix, sous le pommier.
-Qui es-tu? dit le petit prince. Tu es bien joli...
-Je suis un renard, dit le renard.
-Viens jouer avec moi, lui proposa le petit prince. Je suis tellement triste...
-Je ne puis pas jouer avec toi, dit le renard. Je ne suis pas apprivoisé
-Ah! Pardon, fit le petit prince.
Mais après réflexion, il ajouta :
-Qu'est-ce que signifie "apprivoiser"?

Le petit prince, alors, ne put contenir son admiration:
-Que vous êtes belle!
-N'est-ce pas, répondit doucement la fleur. Et je suis née en même temps que le soleil...
Le petit prince devina bien qu'elle n'était pas trop modeste, mais elle était si émouvante!

Ainsi l'avait-elle bien vite tourmenté par sa vanité un peu ombrageuse.
 -Adieu, dit-il à la fleur.
Mais elle ne lui répondit pas.
-Adieu, répéta-t-il.
La fleur toussa. Mais ce n'était pas à cause de son rhume.
-J'ai été sotte, lui dit-elle enfin. Je te demande pardon. Tâche d'être heureux.
Il fut surpris par l'absence de reproches. Il restait là tout déconcentré, le globe en l'air. 
Il ne comprennait pas cette douceur calme.
-Mais oui, je t'aime, lui dit la fleur. Tu n'en a rien su, par ma faute. Cela n'a aucune importance. Mais tu as été aussi sot que moi. Tâche d'être heureux... Laisse ce globe tranquille. Je n'en veux plus.
-Mais le vent...
-Je ne suis pas si enrhumée que ça... L'air frais de la nuit me fera du bien. Je suis une fleur.
-Mais les bêtes...
-Il faut bien que je supporte deux ou trois chenilles si je veux connaître les papillons. Il paraît que c'est tellement beau. Sinon qui me rendra visite? Tu seras loin, toi. Quant aux grosses bêtes, je ne crains rien. J'ai mes griffes.
Et elle montrait naivement ses quatre épines. Puis elle ajouta:
-Ne traîne pas comme ça, c'est agaçant. Tu as décidé de partir. Va-t'en.
Car elle ne voulait pas qu'il la vît pleurer. C'était une fleur tellement orgueilleuse...

Better Me by Fiona 薛凯琪

Fiona 薛凯琪的新歌 —— Better Me

編曲:Johnny Yim


I can Smile a little more
Sing a little more
Feel a little more
說好了要為幸福 一天天地練習

練習 Laugh a little more
Love myself a little more
為你我變成了 Better me

有一天生命會老去 還好謝謝有你
在你眼中 I see the better in me

Cause I can Smile a little more
Sing a little more
Feel a little more
說好了要為幸福 一天天地練習

練習 Laugh a little more
Love myself a little more
為你我變成了 Better me


不然今天就不能 如此地有勇氣

Now I promise to you
And I can swear to you
為你我一定加倍 愛護我自己
做一個值得你驕傲的Better me
一個值得你愛的Better me


~ 最愚蠢的方法就是以拳头解决 ~

突然想到自己,说人倒容易,可是,如果发生在我身上,虽然我还不至于那么“暴力”,但是,我那副臭脾气应该也好不了多少吧… 唉… 何必逞一时之快,却苦了接下来的日子呢?有必要吗?


话说回头,不是我要嘲笑人,是真的很好笑啦,竟然挥出右手!右手耶!怎么可以让它那么容易受伤 =.= 真的印证了今日名句 ~ 最愚蠢的方法就是以拳头解决 ~  哈哈!!

it had been 3 years...

maternal grandma left exactly 3 years today..

uncle still laying on the bed in hospital.. even on his birthday few days ago..

heard mama say that the doctor seems trying to get us to get him home since nothing much they can do now.. but anyone willing to take care of him? anyone can? haiz...

it had really been tough years since 2008..

grandma, u must popi everyone especially your sons..

sleepy blue monday

my upper eyelids love my lower eyelids so much that they kiss each others quite often today.

i fell asleep quite early last night but i not understand why i feel so sleepy now. Is that because i am too free? NO! There's 2 write-ups that i need to write and some other things need to do.

thought of taking some coffee but i seriously do not think that coffee is a good solution at this critical stage. Hence, i found something which definitely will help -- REDBULL.

Not sure it's applicable to everyone or only me. i really feel that REDBULL is a very good solution to kick the sleepy worm out. even though i not really like that sweetness of it taste, i like to take it when i really need some energy.

my 1st drink of Redbull is during the time i took DELF. i was so stress until i felt want to give up because i was the only person to take the exam at that level among my friends. i faced it alone. i am not that kind of person who study very hard, but i like to burn midnight oil. that was the time i was 1st contacted with Redbull. Since then, i found my secret to be energized. LOL

and now, after around 15 minutes of taking REDBULL, i am now widely awake. Going to start my work now. Gambatene to myself p(^.^)q

happy birthday

eventhough you are laying on the bed of hospital, still, gonna send my wishes to you.. hope you can pass through all those suffer, wake up, be healthy and celebrate for more birthdays for the continuous yearsssss...


那时候,离乡背井的我,竟然连个粽子都没吃到,结果,好心的BB同情我这可怜人,从家里带了个粽子给我。连续两年吃到BB请的粽子,其实还蛮感动的,只差没掉几颗泪而已 >.<










uncles in hospital

There's lots of things happen recently.

2 uncles admitted to hospital in the same day. Uncle Jing admitted to Gleneagles, because he fell down when he was at work. As how he said, is not so serious, admitted to hospital because doctor need to check whether there's any bone cracked or not.

Uncle Chai, the most serious one. He was sent to hospital by someone else. The story i heard is, he fainted during he went for treatment. He stopped breathing while he was in the ambulance on the way to hospital. The doctor even told us that uncle's situation is at the critical stage.

1 week passed. i am quite worry that i got a call from mom during work telling me the bad news. Can't deny that i got phobia since few years ago when paternal grandpa passed away. I could not stop crying in the office, until boss and whole account personnel stopped meeting and came out to ask me what happened.

Uncle Kong and Aunt Guet came back from Johor & KL yesterday. I can't stand to hear this kind of news because it means something gonna happen soon. I not really sure should consider this as good or bad, seems Uncle Chai is still alive but suffering laying in hospital depending on the machine to breath. I guess everyone is ready to receive the news, but still, the worry and sad is still there.

Do you believe in miracle? I did.
Can miracle show me that my past experience is wrong? Can miracle show me that i should keep believing on it?

Dov’è L’Amore - Where is the love?

a song by my all time fav singers..

Sogni Fuggiti (escaped dreams)
Pensiero rapiti (thoughts kidnapped)
Qui solo con te (here alone with you)
Dov’è L’Amore (where is the love)
Dov’è quell ardore (where is the passion)
Se ne e’ andato via con te (its been away with you)
Per te (for you)
Parlami d’amore (talk to me of love)
Con la mano sul cuore (with my hand on my heart)
Per te (for you)
Mi parlavi col canto (I spoke with the song)
Ora parlo col pianto (now I speak with tears)
Ma perche (but why)
Dov’è L’Amore (where is the love)
Ho ancora nel cuore questa nostaligia di te (I have the nostalgia of you in my heart)
Per te (for you)
Mi parlavi d’amore (you spoke to my of love)
Con la mano sul cuore (with your hand on your heart)
Per te (for you)
Mi parlavi col canto  (I spoke with the song)
Ora parlo col pianto (now I speak with tears)
Per te (for you)
Dov’è L’Amore (where is the love) 

Dov’è L’Amore (where is the love) 


那阵子, 当我在犹豫着该怎么走接下来的路的时候,在一个偶然的机会下,看到了这本书,一本原本打算借,最终却忍不住买下的书。


感觉松了,现在的生活也比之前开心多了。噢,不!应该说,现在过的才是生活!之前的根本就是Les Misérables >.<



心,沉沉地,灰灰地,很不舒服 :(


自从香港回来后,一直在计划着的浮罗交怡游,终于给我等到了 ^o^


心情低落了一阵子,突然,娇娇说她要去,有个女的可以陪我了,高兴得不得了!终于可以订酒店咯!呵呵!说真的,当时我的头顶上的乌云马上消失,感觉好大的太阳出现在我头顶,对着我笑!我爱阳光!!! 哈哈哈哈哈!!!

更高兴的是,我们的人数增增减减,最终,盈还是想办法找以前的教授代课,星期五就和蓉回槟城了!从原本的一辆车,到两辆车,然后再和被派到浮罗交怡工作的权会合。感觉回到那个我们曾经[一起上山下海的日子],只是,少了几个人。 不过,还是一样的就是,都还是6A2的俊男美女们,嘻嘻……

期待着…… 一个礼拜,一个礼拜,一天,一天,努力倒数着……


Bersih 3.0

Few days passed. Seems like the government still could not give us the answers we want.

A lots of news spread over Facebook and other media online. However, our local newspapers & TV media do not keep their stand as media, which should be fair but not be siding any party, even if it is government. Yes. Our government successfully controls the media. This made our local media unreliable anymore. Even with paid media, our beloved government also using its way to censored some part of the news from BBC. What's the big joke!!

i'm doubting the truth behind those cases like knocking the police car, grabbing the gun of policeman, crossing the line to enter Dataran Merdeka after Dato Ambiga announced dismiss,... i wonder... what made all these happened? i do believe that most of the participants are not mean to be violent. i do believe that there must be something behind, e.g. the actor/policeman from Bangladesh??

i'm Malaysian. We are Malaysians! what we want is just a fair CLEAN election. what we want is just a government that listen to us, care & concern us. It's very simple, isn't it?




很讨厌自己,为什么会这样?我又不是什么公主小姐,又不是很有钱,为什么会有这样的富贵病!! 为什么它要看上我?!


这两年花在Sunway Medical Center 和 Subang Medical Center 的钱还不够多吗?是不是真的要我去到Gleneagles才甘愿?储蓄的钱都花的七七八八了,是不是要我破产才甘愿?




人生总有许多的抉择。想过得开心些,思想就得放简单,不要去想[如果],“如果当初我这么选,……”“如果那时候我这样做的话,……” STOP!! 没有这些[如果]! 如果我想那么多,简单的生活变得复杂,原本的开心也会减少了。

这几天,想了很多[如果],“如果我这样子,以后会比较好过吗?”, “如果我放弃这个,将来后悔怎么办?”,很多的[如果]、 很多的问号,全都是未知的答案。简单悠闲的日子突然变烦恼了。







It's time to make the decision, after 2 relaxing months, deadline is finally here!!

Hope that i can be greedy to grab both, but unfortunately i could not. i have to choose either sacrifice the course or the chance. i do really hope that i can have both. i do really hope that both can be at the same place. i do really hope that i got 2 me so that i can be here and there. i do really hope so. but this world is always cruel. i have to choose one. i have to sacrifice one.

Aquarius is the one who dislike/unable to make decision, even choose what for dinner or colour of cloths. it's really difficult for me to decide especially these 'unknown' roads. i do not know what is the scene if i turn left. i do not know the scene at right as well. i can hear some soft melody from the left, it is kevin kern's music! listen to the right, oh no! there's songs from il divo! both also what i love! how to choose??

Remember 'The Road Not Taken'? Suddenly think of it, eventhough i did not read the story actually. i even forgot it appeared in my form 4 or form 5 life, or maybe form 6? anyway, not important, just suddenly appear in my mind only.

Can i go straight? Can i stop here? Can the fate tell me which side i should turn? i hate T-Juntion :(

after a nite out with sistas

it had been some times that we did not meet up.

remember that time when sai mui left the family, we did promise each others to meet up at least once per month. however, after i left, after a lot of things happened around us, 3 of us focus on our own problems, and the time to gather reduce tremendously.

i had my dinner date with darling, and i thought that would be only 2 of us, but it was so surprise that sai mui said she would be joining us after her class :)

1st time, i heard my darling said she wants to 'have a drink'. surprise and what i said to her 'finally you 'dai goh loi jor' congratulations!'. not sure i should be happy or worry. happy because i have a new kaki. worry because i know that she is stepping the way i walked before.

people around me spread the words that i can drink very well. eventhough i keep deny that i am not, but who cares? even if i really can drink well, is this very good?? fine, only buddies know the truth.

back to the nite, it was just a few hours meet, but we shared lots of our recent news, problems, solutions, point of views,... i got a clearer picture of what kind of decision i should make.

3 of us always have the same 'fate'. we always face the same problems almost at the same time. no matter we know it before or during the things happen, or sometimes even after that only we find out, it was always amaze that we are facing or having the same things at the same time.

this time around, our result/decision should out next week before wednesday. we do really hope each others can have get something good on the day. really wish that god will bless us. wish the good news will be sending to us soon.

Challenge of the day

Today challenge:
Can i go back from Berjaya Times Square to Sunway with RM4?

It had been long long long long time i did not face this kind of challenge. My purse left only RM4 and some coins. i insisted not to get my money from atm machine. Hence, the challenge started.

i thought of walk to Hang Tuah station then take LRT to Kelana Jaya & take bus to Sunway. i also thought of walk Central Market and take bus to Sunway. In the end, i decided to take Monorail to KL Sentral and take bus home.

However, when i reached KL Sentral, i got shocked! Since when the road change to be one way? Oh my god! i had to re-plan my way to go home! Walked a long way from Monorail station to KL Sentral main building, chose to take the one which i do not like the most --> KTM.

The whole journey took me RM2.90 from Berjaya Times Square to Setia Jaya. And i have extra money to buy a tin of 100 Plus during the journey i walked home from KTM station.

Great! Today challenge --> SUCCESS!!

Just the way you are & Hero - by Jayesslee (JS - Janice & Sonia)

i do not like this song sang by Bruno Mars, but i like their version. the feel is totally different! hope you all like this as well.

Janice & Sonia.. falling in love with them when i first watch their video. if not mistaken the very first video of them i watch is 'price tag'. dunno why they can attract me just like that. love at first sight. maybe because of their smile? ya, i guess so. they are so sweet, pretty and cute :)

Gals, when you are depressed, when you feel fear & insecure in something, listen to this song they sing, hope you can find back your self esteem and let's shine :)

below is another healing song, hope you enjoy listening.




听着耳机传来的歌曲,脑袋像中了什么病毒似的,一下子打开这个图片,一下子自动打开空文档然后自动天上若有似无的故事,一下子又把全部东西关起,不到十秒,一段影片自动播放,过后又打开一个个的图文档案…… 一直转个不停…… 疯了!


如果我接受了这个工,必须放弃很多东西,重新开始,就像宏那样,有个很大的转变。可是,'no sacrifice no victory',有很多东西需要学习,很多挑战,很多机会。真的好像宏,呵呵…… 既压力又好玩。“放开双手,你将得到更多。” 所以,我该放弃之前所坚持的吗?如果放弃了,以后就很难再回头了。不放弃,以后恐怕很难再有这样的机会了。怎么办?

其实我并不觉得今晚的表现很好,尤其我把真正离开Compugates的原因告诉他,毕竟,我从来不会在面试中提及任何对前公司的不满或任何负面东西。也许他是我们的学长的关系吧,也许我不是很认真地想要这份工,至少在当时我是那么想… 直到我听了他的抱负和理念后,才改变想法的。我也没想过我这样的表现也会过关,呵呵…… 还好当他给我在两份工中选一个的时候,我没选错 :p

盈问我为什么我不要去做sales,其实,我,我,我,不会驾车啦!哈哈!她说原来我是为了这样好笑的理由,很好笑吗? :( 算了,这暂时不重要。重要的是我该作出什么决定。

三个小时后的面试,一个从来没想过会过去的地方,就因为和法国有关,就因为曾经的同行,就因为是曾经的固执,我,必须跑到我超不喜欢的市中心去,白痴程度=90%,因为就算面试过关我都不会过去。有人说我是不是面试 试上瘾。不是啦,我只是想趁这个机会参观参观他们的办公室而已嘛……

六点了,真的不用睡了,可以开始准备了。惨了!今晚有约,不懂撑得住吗!唉…… 如果下午回来不能睡的话,可能又要放人鸽子了,已经不是第一次了,挺不好意思的。

眼睛好痛哦!是刚才换用卸妆水的关系吗?Phytodemaq用完了,不想回去买,最近嫌贵了!还有,如果回去,他们一定又会讲了,怎么一离开就把脸搞成这样糟糕,唉……算了,不要用新的卸妆水,改用shu uemura的卸妆油看看吧,虽然不喜欢,可是还有那么大罐,最近没收入,不可以花钱乱乱买东西,看看家里有什么就用什么了,就算是不要钱的,就算多不喜欢还是得用完……



Kiss Goodbye, BB



原本想做个短片给你的,在你上机前post上FB我们的秘密group,可是,看着以前拍的照片,看着,看着,回忆着,然后,什么都做不出来了,因为,视线开始模糊了起来,当周华健唱到“朋友 一生一起走, 那些日子 不再有, 一句话 一辈子……” 那段,泪,终于缺堤而下。







每一次想開口.. 但不如保持安靜.. 給我一分鐘專心.. 好好欣賞你的美..
每一次和你分開.. 深深的被你打敗.. 每一次放棄你的溫柔.. 痛苦 難以釋懷..

my sky is grey today

wai kit posted a song on Facebook which i used to love it some years ago..
it suits my mood today..

went for an interview at damansara jaya this afternoon. there's a job that i love so much, not because of the company (eventhough it has a good background), i love it because it is a very challenging job! the company can consider as a new born baby when her sister company has already be a pretty lady.

i prepared very well for the interview especially for the presentation which i spent time to create & design it. everything seems like going smooth.. until they asked me 1 question which i never do before and totally no idea on how to answer it. i did not answer directly but give a quite positive reply (which i feel i'm very positive and can add some marks for that even the answer is not there). and.. i know that i failed because of i do not have experience on doing that and i lost the contact of media after 1 year leaving the field..

now i only realized, sales person need to keep contact with their customers while marketer need to keep good contact with media all the while, contacts is the assets of salesman and marketer which means very much for us as our value!!

and.. my sky is grey today.. my mood is down..

這次你是帶著笑 還是藏著刀
別那樣 又用擁抱當酬勞
別那樣 用玩笑當圈套
我只求一個人 一點自尊和驕傲

這次你又帶著笑 而我只想逃
也許是 你要的我不想要
也許是 你要的我做不到
所以我一個人 用空白 填未來 當作炫耀

沒有後悔 沒有爭吵 再也不要苦苦的計較
話變少 也很好
沒有淚水 沒有煎熬
再也沒有人讓我吃不下 睡不著
心碎了 我還炫耀
受傷的字眼 擱淺在唇邊 不要你悱惻敷衍


一直听人说起[初恋这件小事],还以为是本地制作的电影,原来是 made in Thailand,呵呵…



詞 陳沒 曲 林邁可

別打開 禮物的緞帶
最初充滿期待 最後都腐敗
別打開 午夜的電臺


不要吻我 只要抱著我
不要愛我 做我的親人
把手借我 一天一分鐘
不是誰的情人 誰的某某某

就算我 全身濕透透
我也不再被誰 牽著鼻子走
如果我 還握住拳頭


不要吻我 只要抱著我
不要愛我 做我的親人
把手借我 一天一分鐘

喝了点酒,回家后睡不着,想着G和Pat的关系,想着那年,我也有着他们一样的经历…… iTunes重复播放着丁当的亲人,脑海里重复着在泳池里的画面……

是刺猬?抑或是鸵鸟?我想,是傻子多些吧!一直犹豫、挣扎,结果还是被逼着说出了心中的真实感受,也开始了那个梦魇…… 一个错误,一个污点,一件让我不能原谅自己的蠢事!



拖拖拉拉地过了些日子,最后,不知怎么地,就很自然地,向那票兄弟姐妹接力,握着他们伸出的手,抽身离开了。原以为很艰难的路程,其实,走得比呆站在那里轻松。也许是因为他们吧!他们给我的力量,远远比我所知道的多。真的,如果说我曾经的不幸是发生了那件事,那我想说的是,幸运远远比不幸来得多。是他们,我的幸运星,我的所有好运源自于我最爱的死党,尤其,那个转运风车,一个在我心情极不好的时候出现的彩色风车 :)





i'm jobless

yes! i'm jobless for 1 month & 6 days now!

people around me keep asking me if i found my job or start to find new job yet, or another type of question will be, what i do during this period, won't i feel boring?
fine, even it's already 1 month, but i feel like i just rest for few days, yeah! holidays is never enough!

i applied for a few job online, answered a few calls asked me for interviews, rejected a few, and went for 3 interviews. everyone, include myself, feels that i'm not seriously look for a job, mmm.. maybe.

i'm still considering if i should get a fulltime job or i should get a parttime job like bibi so that i can have more time on my study. however, if Taylor's job is on, i guess i have to postpone my course again because i might not be able to rush to serdang in 1 hour after work, especially puchong toll there is always jam like hell.

since my secondary school life, i never stop working without any income like now. i worked in restaurant, worked as a promoter, teach in tuition center, worked as a barista, then worked for euro-trichokare for more than 2 years.. and then i started my first job in BP then worked in CSB.. non-stop..

Can u believe, my first holidays after i worked so hard, is only to HK?! my France trip bubbled, my graduate trip with coursemates gone, my gadgets wait and wait for me but i couldn't grab them, and the debt is getting more and more!!

now, i started to realize that no matter how much effort i put, no matter how much i earn, all those good things, e.g. $, will leave me either slowly or by sudden. so, what's for i torture myself and treat myself so bad?

remember that time after graduate? everyone played for more than 3 months, some even half year, and i just work non-stop running here and there for euro-trichokare, even during final exam period. to balance myself, my emo, i should enjoy my moment now! giving a long holidays for myself :)




这是我们 [心里的话]
是我们的 [希望]


告诉你 心里的话

Please stop the Lynas
步步心慌 家不是家

Please stop the Lynas
你不了解 不曾了解吧

张国祥老师, 李志清老师, 汤小康老师

汤小康 Jovi Theng
谢佳见 Melvin Sia
许亮宇 Henley
韓瀞珮 Ariel Han
江倩齡 Emily Kong
邱翠雯 Wen Wen
韦智华 Shawn Wai
戴祖雄 Hero Tai
Billy Ng


从来没想过 那么一天,我也会参加和平示威, 成为示威者中的一分子。

一开始,Lynas这个字出现的时候,我还以为Lynas是什么化学成分的一个名词,呵,我这个笨蛋。后来,看了有关稀土的短片,读了几篇文章,然后,认真地开始做功课,找资料了解更多有关这个大马当红的课题。 当我找来的资料越来越多,越读/越看越多的时候,心中的那份恐惧感也越来越大,几乎压得我喘不过气来了。不是夸张,我真的怕了,惧了,畏了。

不喜欢政治人物把这件事政治化,因为,这是有关我们人民的健康,孩子的明天,是件很严肃的事情,政治人物不应该拿此事来当一个筹码。不是偏帮任何一方,就算这个和平示威的发起人/组织和政治人物撤上关系,我还是和几个朋友相约出席了在吉隆坡的集会。 (虽然这个集会远远不能和关丹的那场相比,毕竟关丹是主角,我们没有必要,也不能抢尽他们的风头。)



老实说,我怕死!试想想,日本是一个怎样的国家,马来西亚又是一个怎样的国家?在科技、建筑、安全方面,哪个国家强了?日本都会出现的福岛事件,你说,马来西亚发生类似事件的几率会远远地低过日本吗?不可能!! 所以,我亲爱的决策人/政腐,亲爱的阿妓哥,亲爱癞纳死的支持者,凭良心说(抑或你们的良心已被狗叼走了?), 你们当我们平民百姓死的啊?!真是TMDWGWBD!!


就算他们还坚持继续Lynas Project,就算他们今天不把民意当一回事,我还是很希望大家不要放弃,努力为我们的国,我们的家一起抗战到底!绿色集会2.0过了,我们还有绿色集会3.0!真的,我们一定要坚持,决不妥协!

送上 黄文升的 [孩子有明天], 希望我们的[梦]赶快实现…

藍色的天空 還能承載多少


緊握著雙手 心中最美的一個夢

緊握著雙手 心中最美的一個夢
緊握著雙手 擁抱心中最美的一個夢


'STOP LYNAS, SAVE MALAYSIA' becomes a hot topic among Malaysians these days.

What is LYNAS?
LYNAS is a mining company based in Australia which plans to have the world largest rare earth refinery (called LYNAS Advanced Materials Plant, LAMP in short) in Gobeng Industrial Zone, near Kuantan.
Click HERE to find out more about LYNAS.

Why we need to stop LYNAS?
Once LAMP begins operate, there will be RADIOACTIVE being produced and it will yearly leave behind 28,000 tonnes of solid waste (definately, it comes with radioactive leftover as well). SO, do you know why we need to stop LYNAS now?
If you can read Chinese, click on the video below and you will know more. If you want to know more details, you may visit the 'SAVE MALAYSIA' page --> http://savemalaysia-stoplynas.blogspot.com/2011/06/solid-waste-material-3-types-of-waste.html

Here's how i show support, hehe ^^




快樂都倒塌了 甜蜜都毀壞了
力氣都用完了 爭執該打烊了
眼睛有點渴 心裡空空的

我懂你在意的 你知道我要的
發生什麼事了 怎麼會愛成這樣呢
是不是我們都瘋了 把情人當成敵人了


愛情是美好的事 能不能再試一次
把傷人的刺都收好 換溫柔的笑

我懂你在意的 你知道我要的
發生什麼事了 怎麼會愛成這樣呢
是不是我們都瘋了 把情人當成敵人了


愛情是美好的事 能不能再試一次
把傷人的刺都收好 換溫柔的笑

每一次爭吵 幸福就裂開碎掉一角
難道分手是 我們這段感情的目標

愛情是美好的事 能不能再試一次
把傷人的刺都收好 換溫柔的笑
把傷人的刺都拔掉 再溫柔的擁抱


There's a debate between DAP & MCA today at Berjaya Times Square, titled [Malaysian Chinese at the Political Crossroads].

i missed the debate as i was at sunway carnival with buddies. however, as a malaysian chinese, as a penangnite, i switch on my lappie (which i did not on for few days) immediately to follow the news.

first video i watched is a video called [Jessie Ooi 的发问片断]. it's really funny until i can't stop laughing!! oh my god! i know that i'm betrayal. i found that she is more powerful than leehom. i used to listen to leehom's songs when my mood is bad. and now, i feel that i should watch this video clip whenver my mood is bad, because it can make me laugh easily.

jessie ooi, now called as 拖车女 is 'Lady of the Day' today. Jeremy Lin took a few days to be famous among different levels, but this tow-car-aunty just need a few hours to be famous! the name spread faster than virus around on FB, in forum, and etc.

Lessons i learnt from this 半个槟城人 today as below..

Think before you act.
Even though you are stupid, you should not do/act/ask questions stupidly. please do only ask related/relevant questions especially in front of public, else you will just like a fool, like one of the comments in your page, 'It seems to me nothing is right in your left brain and nothing is left in your right brain.'

It's too late to regret if you take a wrong step.
Once you speak/act stupidity in the rebate, your 'reputation' raise. as you did not respect the fair of the rebate, you must be prepared to receive all bad in reflection. there's no use to delete negative comments in your page, and i know that you understand, hence, you straight away delete the page. however, do you think that people will stop easily just like how you delete the page? NO! you will bring more negative image to public.

Better die with honour than live with shame.
At this moment, as a penangnite, i guess your mother-in-law is feeling shame. put myself in her shoe, if i were your mother-in-law, i really feel so shame to have this kind of daughter-in-law. i have no face to stay here, facing the real penangnites everyday. i feel sorry to everyone here.

here, i guess i did not touch anything on politic right? i'm not touching any sensitive issue here or i did? i'm not really into politic and not really want to critic anything from political view. i just trying to share something from my point of view, trying to share some lessons i learnt from today hottest news, which is lesson of moral.

as a gal (even i'm not 'lady' enough and even my buddies treat me as 'bro'), i really have to remind myself always not to be like this tow-car-auntie, really have to aware and control myself not to be like 泼妇骂街 and spoil my image in public.

click play to view the joke of the day:

소주 & Soju

for couples, it's valentine's day, but for singles, it's just a tuesday.

this is my second time here, after 5 days.
소주 & Soju, a place where we can 'feel' the korea in our area, recomended by nath's students.

i thought we will order a new flavor of soju since we have marked the order during our 1st visit. however, due to the reason charles is here for very first time, we ordered the same soju again. i do not mean that the soju is not nice, i just wanted to try something new.

the balcony seats occupied half, hence we just sit at the sofa inside. chit-chatted, laughed, and played with phones, ky suggested to play 'true or dare' but charles's level is too high that nath not going to play, so... sien..

we ended up to pay for extra money to enter the K room. yeah! we ordered another pot of soju and entered the room. however, we were so surprise that everything is in korean!! the screen is in korean, the remote control is in korean as well!!  OMG!!  how we going to sing?! the boss came in and show us the chinese song's menu. it's just a page out of a whole album >.<

fine, had to find some songs to sing since we already there. and then i found why charles kept wanting to sing K. his voice is really nice! he claimed that today not really in good condition, but he still can sing well. geng!

time passed very fast when we were in the room. the waitress came in to ask if we were going to extend the time. time up! last song we had is -- you're beautiful. a song charles should sing to 3 of us, kekeke..

it's really fate that 4 of us can gather here together during this special day. thanks nath who date us for porridge dinner, thanks ky who came to pick me up, and nice meeting small little cute boy, charles :) thanks charles also, because of him, we moved to 소주 & Soju after dinner.

we do not have valentines, we did not celebrate valentine's day this year, but we enjoyed the session we are together..

the light

controller below the tv

the remote control
the 'ring-ring' XD

the pot of soju

it's time to say goodbye to my dear colleagues & managers

found this letter 2 days before i left the company. the writer is so mean! respect!!
hope you guys have fun reading it XD
Dear Co-Workers and Managers,
As many of you probably know, today is my last day. But before I leave, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what a great and distinct pleasure it has been to type “Today is my last day.”
For nearly as long as I’ve worked here, I’ve hoped that I might one day leave this company. And now that this dream has become a reality, please know that I could not have reached this goal without your unending lack of support. Words cannot express my gratitude for the words of gratitude you did not express.
I would especially like to thank all of my managers both past and present but with the exception of the wonderful Mr. ABC: in an age where miscommunication is all too common, you consistently impressed and inspired me with the sheer magnitude of your misinformation, ignorance and intolerance for true talent. It takes a strong man to admit his mistake – it takes a stronger man to attribute his mistake to me.
Over the past seven years, you have taught me more than I could ever ask for and, in most cases, ever did ask for. I have been fortunate enough to work with some absolutely interchangeable supervisors on a wide variety of seemingly identical projects – an invaluable lesson in overcoming daily tedium in overcoming daily tedium in overcoming daily tedium.
And to most of my peers: even though we barely acknowledged each other within these office walls, I hope that in the future, should we pass on the street, you will regard me the same way as I regard you: sans eye contact.
But to those few souls with whom I’ve actually interacted, here are my personalized notes of farewell:
To [ ], I will not miss hearing you cry over absolutely nothing while laying blame on me and my coworkers. Your racial comments about [ ] were truly offensive and I hope that one day you might gain the strength to apologize to him.
To [ ] whom is long gone, I hope you find a manager that treats you as poorly as you have treated us. I worked harder for you then any manager in my career and I regret every ounce of it. Watching you take credit for my work was truly demoralizing.
To [ ], you should learn how to keep your mouth shut sweet heart. Bad mouthing the innocent is a negative thing, especially when you’re talking about someone who knows your disgusting secrets.
To [ ], well, I wish you had more of a back bone. You threw me to the wolves with that witch B and I learned all too much from it. I still can’t believe that after following your instructions, I ended up getting written up, wow. Thanks for the experience buddy, lesson learned.
[ ], I’m happy that you were let go in the same manner that you have handed down to my dedicated coworkers. Hearing you on the phone last year brag about how great bonuses were going to be for you fellas in upper management because all of the lay offs made me nearly vomit. I never expected to see management benefit financially from the suffering of scores of people but then again, with this company’s rooted history in the slave trade it only makes sense.
To all of the executives of this company, [ ] and such.
Despite working through countless managers that practiced unethical behavior, racism, sexism, jealousy and cronyism, I have benefited tremendously by working here and I truly thank you for that. There was once a time where hard work was rewarded and acknowledged, it’s a pity that all of our positive output now falls on deaf ears and passes blind eyes. My advice for you is to place yourself closer to the pulse of this company and enjoy the effort and dedication of us “faceless little people” more. There are many great people that are being over worked and mistreated but yet are still loyal not to those who abuse them but to the greater mission of providing excellent customer support. Find them and embrace them as they will help battle the cancerous plague that is ravishing the moral of this company.
So, in parting, if I could pass on any word of advice to the lower salary recipient (“because it’s good for the company”) in India or Tampa who will soon be filling my position, it would be to cherish this experience because a job opportunity like this comes along only once in a lifetime.
Meaning: if I had to work here again in this lifetime, I would sooner kill myself.
To those who I have held a great relationship with, I will miss being your co-worker and will cherish our history together.
Please don’t bother responding as at this very moment I am most likely in my car doing 85 with the windows down.
Your demands were high and your patience short, but I take great solace knowing that my work was, as stated on my annual review, “meets expectation.” That is the type of praise that sends a man home happy after a 10 hour day, smiling his way through half a bottle of meets-expectation-scotch with a meets-expectation-cigar. Thanks [ ]!

please do let me know if you dare to blast this email out on your last day at work ^.~








明年的初九,如果我还在雪州,真的要到巴生看看了,顺便去SHOUT的主席家‘黏餐’, yeah v(^o^)v


曾经一时很讨厌的元宵节,今年特别想回去,回去十年前去过的地方,把十年前的记忆抛开,重新爱上在槟城的元宵! 没有情人的中国情人节一样可以很开心 ♥ ♥ ♥

visited Disneyland, HK

had my trip to HK & Macau last week.

during these 5 days, the only day i was really enjoy 100% is the day i went Disneyland. it was really an amazing land that make you leave your worries behind and have a fantasy day, a real wonderland!!

even though it was a raining day, everyone still enjoyed in this wonderland, and the most important is, the parade and fireworks did not cancelled! it's awesome!! i love the fireworks the most!!

you couldn't feel the beautiful, the amazing, the 'WOW' unless you watch it live by your own eyes! i took video, but the feel is totally different! what i can say is, i was no regret to leave the group, not to go ocean park but go Disneyland..

Here's video i took:

a song can switch ur mood good :)

was not really in a good mood after heard something from someone.
can't understand why there's some people around me can be like that.
can't understand what is in their mind.. and can't understand why everything related to me..

anyway, my mood turn better after i watch this MV.. feel so sweet seeing leehom in the MV..
and smile comes back on my face, hehe :)

click play to listen
王力宏 ~ 我依然爱你




所以要讓你懂我依然愛你 就是 唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每一個動作 每個表情
到最後 一定會

我依然愛你 或許是 命中注定
多年之後 任何人都無法代替
那些回憶 依然無法忘記

我依然愛你 就是 唯一的退路
我依然珍惜 時時刻刻的幸福
你每個呼吸 每一個動作 每個表情
到最後 一定會

你每個呼吸 每一個動作 每個表情
到永遠 一定會