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abnormal abnormal abnormal!!
i want back the allice last time!!
come back please!!

even if pretend, allice's smile & laugh is a signature.
but what happened?
where the smile gone?
where is the 'ghost-like-laugh' of allice?

i lost them!
can't recall when i drop them!

today, a black dark face follows me the whole day.
i not really like to show this kind of face to everyone,
but sorry, i cant control..

if you know where the smile  & the laugh go, can you please tell me?

allice tan

bong gang

was writing letters to heaven just now,
to tell him my recent..

some childhood memory flashed back in my mind..
i saw his smile
while i was typing the letter..

it is just a short simple letter with a few words,
but it is actually converted from many things in my brain..

i never thought that the tears will drop when the last few words being typed out..
i never thought that i will sob like how i was just now..
it's all out of controlled!!

i am 'bong gang'!
choose to be a 'bong gang'
to be the 'bong gang' who can smile in tears..

allice tan


1. 每个人都有属于自己的一段故事…

2. 无论还在淌着血,还是已经结了疤,只有自己才明白当中的痛楚……

3. 伤,终究会复原,然后留下疤;故事,终究会成为过去,然后留下回忆……

4. 许久后的某天,蓦然回首,隐隐约约还感觉得到那曾经的苦,可是,那痛,已慢慢被涩的感觉取代……

5. 在强悍的铁人,还是有一颗柔弱的心……

6. 就算知道世事没有绝对的对与错,心中依然会有那份对你的愧疚……

7. 也许,注定了,我欠你,抑或是你欠我…… 答应彼此,我们都要好好过……

8. 没有谁不能失去谁,没有谁少了谁就活不下去,遇见彼此之前,我们不是都这样子活着吗?

9. 以为名字叫坏人,自己就可以当一辈子的坏人,遇见你,我才知道,我是好人,也是个坏人……

10. 朋友不经意的一句话,让我想起了你,那似曾相识的语气…… 撩起了心底那淡淡的苦涩……

11. 下雨的夜晚,冷冷的天气,灰灰的心情,我,又失眠了……



allice tan

The power of positive thinking



永遠做正面的思考、說正面的話、做正面的事。因為正面思考會帶來好運,負面思考會帶來­災難。 正面思考不逃避,正面思考是面對問題,找出其可被接受的詮釋,輕鬆以對,換個腦角度看­事情。 如何培養正面思考的方式:

一、上床前: 1、拋棄今日所有的不愉快或是一切負面事物。 2、要計劃更美好亮麗的明天。3、建立新的好習慣,過快樂的生活。

二、清晨起床: 1、立即寫下夢。 2、上廁所排除身體與精神上所有汙穢物。3、刷牙時,照鏡子想到口腔清潔乾淨,今天整天要說好話。4、吃早餐時,吃下好食物,意想健康如意。5、出門時, 感到迎接好運,一片光明。6、上班時,感到神清氣爽,能量充滿,帶給自己與他人快樂。不管做什麼事時,都選擇一些相關的正面想法來思考,日積月累之後,無 論是真實的人生或­潛意識裡都會充滿正面的能量。

三、微小的負面念頭要常清理:這些念頭如 我怕我會做不好.......我大概要遲到了假使我的輪胎暴了呢不要說我明年就會轉運了-----正確的說法是:我現在就轉運了!...類似這樣的負面思 考,有時雖微不足道,但積久了,就會變成你生命的大困擾,也變成你成­功的絆腳石,讓你每天遇到不斷的麻煩,使你生活充滿挫折與不快樂。


五、因果原則:只要你有信心去造好因,不 斷的用正面的念頭做正面的事,即使開始時完全­不懂,但你堅決對自己說,我要成功,你就會成功。













听着one fm播放王力宏的需要人陪,

allice tan

WL day

totally no mood to work!
whole day being fai chai on the net, twitter, plurk & FB..

not because of my manger on leave.. it's because she throw too much on things on me..
everytime when she on leave, she will definitely list down a 2 pages of task for me to complete! and i know that i will definitely cannot finish all the task in the list.  y? besides the task she list down, i still have other task to complete! 物极必反! she dunno that she will make me moody to work all the things out.

i already try my best to brain-washed myself to work hard in this company. i thought everything will be smooth this year. i really try to change my mindset. i try to adopt to this environment. try to be used with this kind of culture. but why everytime also because of her. turn all my positive down?

really no mood to work today. WL + i.N.G...

allice tan


那时,看到你post的 “我放不下......” 这几个字,心里揪了一下。
你说 “你心里想的歌——你不知道的事”。







allice tan




allice tan


跟隨淚滴, 化作流星, 消失在夜空..

allice tan

at Bee-aM

on leave for a week.
and now at home @ BM.

allice tan

gonna be scolded by buddies

i know! they definitely will do so. because of my stupid & my stubborn & my 一意孤行..

i left my signature on the contract.. yup, i renewed my contract with the company..

when cuz asked me why, i said that i have to face the truth.. and.. maybe, i had been brain washed.. and only J know the real reason.. only she will understand why i made this decision..

No sacrifice, no victory.

i do believe so..

guys, i know you all have no more energy to 'say' me already, just pray for me and wish me luck la!
especially LS, still remember the phrase -- No sacrifice, no victory. this is what you told me. so you have to support me no matter how :p

allice tan


read a post on FB shared by my darling's friend..


and it made me recall of a song by stephanie sun yanzi
我不難過 這不算什麼 只是為什麼眼淚會流我也不懂
i always tell them don't worry, no need to care, no need to mind..
but, i mind! i really mind! f*cking mind!!

i not sure if i can perfectly cover it with my smile everytime when talking about the case..
not sure if yo, nt, hl, eg, mw, jy & whoever know about the case, found my real feeling when we talked about it.. what i wanna say is.. do not expose my mask, please..

我不難過 i am not sad..

allice tan


feel tired recently.

no matter how many hours i sleep a night, i still feel that i have not enough sleep, even i change my sleeping time earlier to 10sth pm.

ya, rarely online at night. hence, the active TSL in FB seems like going to disappear. no more 'i.N.G.' appear in your FB homepage, as my status message could stay for 1 week unchanged.

heart is so tired after the pain. i could say nothing on this because this is the consequence of my stubbornness! i should listen to EH's advice, but i didn't. however, if i say that i have no regret on it, do you believe? if there's another chance for me to choose, i will still make the same decision to try. ok, this is me, the stubborn me, i never deny.

brain was the most pity part as it has to think of many things.

a good friend who i really treat with heart, has blocked me on her FB and MSN. i don't know how to describe my feel now, but this is her choice, i have to respect. someone asked me to ask her, but, sorry, my face is not thick enough, and i will not use my hot face to stick her cold buttock! (a phrase translated from chinese) i lost a good friend.

i will divorce end of July. Looking for a new job at the same time upgrading myself by taking some courses, although my financial status is not so stable yet. Was dilemma that time when my 'head' asked me to re-consider, and told me that i can take the course as part time, yea, sure the courses i will take is part time course! i need to have a job for survive, but i think my future is not there, a company with kind bosses and colleagues, where they always try to protect us, treat us like their kids. they don't know that kids need to fall down sometimes, then only know how to walk.

when everyone ask me whether i found a new job yet, my answer is i not really start my job searching. i have earlier sent my resume to a company at mid valley and went for interviews, and i found that i am really... really need to grow up!!

august is coming soon. joyce asked me to go home for a small rest at the same time accompany dad & mum for 1 or 2 weeks then only start with my new job if i found. her suggestion is to search at penang as i no need to worry about transport there because her SLK is there. or another choice, i can go to SG, can stay with her.but i am still waiting for the date to the new courses start.

actually plan to take MBA at UM, but the qualification is 3 years working experience after graduate. maybe, i can wait for another year??

my brain is busy with all this kind of nonsense!
worry this worry that, fan this fan that!
so funny! i want to stop it, but it seems like i cannot control myself to stop thinking.

luckily, i found a secret to make myself better and it works!!
thanks god! i am now driving my life to somewhere nice and colourful, although the sky is still dark, but don't forget that every car has its own lights!!


allice tan


因為想念妳的日子很難度過 ........

只屬於他一個人喊的稱呼 ......

決不會相愛多年後,還讓妳妾身未明 ......


捨不得讓妳流淚 ..

隨時隨地讓妳能夠找到他 .....

不會將妳和其他女人做比較,即便妳並不優秀 ......


因為他把妳的身體健康看作第一位 .........

會把妳看成是生命中最重要的 .....

讓妳感受他的心跳 .......

因為妳是他的天使 .......

並且很高興陪妳逛街 ........

喜歡融入到他們當中 .......

但很少讓妳知道他所做的犧牲 .......






妳是他最美好的幸福 ...


when i reply your sms with the word 'nothing', please do not ask me again, although you know that there's something happened.

i have nothing, really nothing..
besides the 'bottomless' tears..

when i cried in the midnight, my accompanier is only the so called 'concern' (which i felt 'scold' is the more suitable word to be used) from singapore. and that's one of the reasons made my tears ''leaking''.

even till now, i still feel that i am no wrong.. maybe the song 'i am what i am' from oceanlab is really a song dedicated for me..
don't ever try to change me! i am 25 now! i know what i am doing! i have my own way to go.. don't simply believe what i said sometimes.. i could hardly tell you all what i wanna be, because you all never give me support! everytime when i say i wanna do something or when i tell you all what my dream is, what i receive is only the 'cold water' that you all pour!
without any positive/support, please do not show your 'concern' by telling me how i should do! (thanks)

back to the situation last night. should i blame my hp? the stupid hp! i only receive the sms at 3sth am! and then only i noticed that there's more than 30 missed calls!!

anyway, no matter what or who i should blame, i understand the feeling that being helpless,sorry...

allice tan


柴米油盐酱醋茶 by 王力宏

對有些人而言  有時
能遇見一個對的人 過著簡單平凡的一生 是最難得的幸福

把 握當下 珍惜彼此
每 一次窩心的溫暖、每一次觸目所及的美好…

小时候 你想要什么
到 地球每一个角落

而长大以后 我想要什么
喂 我们现在不在家

有了你什么都不 差

小时候 你想要什么

噢 长大以后 我想要什么
喂 我们现在不在家

柴米 油盐酱醋茶

握紧双手就算刮 风下雨

月儿弯弯 爱的傻



i could feel the changes...

it's pain.. in my heart..
but i guess..
this is the best way..
to become an ice..
and to accept the ice that you throw on me..

allice tan

the divorce

2 months ago, i made a decision to divorce.
some of my friends asked me to think properly while most of my friends congratulated me once they heard the news. they know that i made the decision not because of impulse.

few month ago before chinese new year, i already had an 'arguement' with jim when i said that i don't want to work here anymore. he said that i am impulsive, but i denied. i am not!!

although i know that this is the job that i loved, although i know most of the people here are good, but i don't know since when, i felt that many things had changed, changed until the fear overtake my passion.

i don't know when should i believe someone's words and don't know who should i believe. i know that i should protect myself by not to believe what they said, this is what yoshi always tell me, don't believe anyone, as you will get hurt. i really so scared of getting hurt. i can't forget the time when aiwa came to office and talked those things to my manager! wtf! she was my friend, but what she did! how can she did this to me!! i thought friend is a person we should appreciate but not betray!

anyhow, i have lots of good friends beside me during the time i face difficulty. thanks guys who always accompany me, be there with me, and help me. you guys are deeply appreciated always. i won't forget how kind you guys treat me as a FRIEND, real friend, especially my buddies and sistas..

mmm... talk back to the divorce.

i met back alvin during the farewell for zen. he told me how he's doing now, and encourage me to do what i want. that is my future, my life! i should not be influenced by others.

then, i found my way out. i plan on doing something, but i did not tell anyone except sky. and accidentally told my manager when she asked me just now. she said that i can do it as a part-time and i can continue what i am doing now. she just felt that's a waste if i give up what i've built up during this 2 years. and asked me to reconsider.

i know that i can get a good opportunity here, i know that i still have lots of things to learn here, i know that i have good bosses and superior here, i know all these...i do really know...

but... should i really need to reconsider whether or not i want to divorce?

allice tan



每一秒鐘,也都 是唯一的一秒鐘;
因此不論是再短暫的瞬間、 秒間,都 要慎重認真,好好利用。

其實人人都有無限力量,若能調伏自心,發大心、立宏願,難行能行,自然就能克服 種種困 難;反之,心不調伏,哪怕很簡單的事情,也會自我障礙,變成很困難。

人人 都有清淨覺性,都可以自度;但坐著聽法、沒有投入去做,難以體悟。
若能用單純的 心,精進 投入付出,即使做得汗流浹背,卻能體悟到輕安自在的法喜,不只自度,且能度人。

人間共業牽引,即使無法為天下做什麼事,至少可以把自己的心 調好。
無論點、線、面,都是從最小那一點開始——最小的那一點,就是 他、你、我的一念 心。


有福生在平安的地方,期待人人發好心、立好願,恆持當下好 念,時刻戒慎虔誠,造福人間!

◎證嚴上人主講 編輯部整理


something share by cousin on facebook:


寂 寞。




不要总是回我 呵呵 哦 这类的话语,就算你不想说话,也要多打几个字,不要让我感觉你是在敷衍我。

如果,你在乎我。不要让我在需要你的时候,却找不到你,那样 的我很无助。

如果,你在乎我。要记住我们在一起发生的事情,要记住我的喜 好。




as prediction, woke up with swollen eyes

on the way to work, onefm was playing a song sing by 梁文音, a song that meant a lot to me -- 哭过就好.
and on my facebook, i post ''i know. i cry. i understand. i let go.'' i know that it's not easy to let go, but i have no choice, i have to, because this is her decision. i have no right to be disappointed, as this is a result of my mistaken, a wrong decision i made, so i have to face it, eventhough the situation now is not as what i aspect. won't regret even the 'try' failed, at least i tried.

did not go post office because of some reasons.
the situation in meeting room at 11am is as how i predicted, it was very cold and my stomach was growling =.=

my hot date with ms. c thc was on! planned to dine at lorong seratus tahun, but then when j & c came to my house, the shop was almost close, hence, we dined at station one at sunway. then, g came after badminton, and then t came.
after quite some time, i did not go club, and today, they brought me there again, cocoa banana. haha.. i entered cocoa banana with my nerd look with spec! hahaha..
ermm.. why i club again? i did not forget the promise, but as how someone told me, i cannot hold my stupid principle because of that reason, i should not bear so much of things, should slowly put down some. and i am trying now.

i am always so lucky actually. i always have friends beside me when i have problems, when i am down, and sure when i am happy lah ^.^
really thanks 4 of them for the night they were with me!

C, J, G & T, thanks you guys so much!!

allice tan

prediction 23062010

now is 3.00am on 23 June 2010

the prediction started here..

early in the morning
working hard on the result of crying last nite -- my swollen eyes (the eyes are red somemore!! how to cover? arghhhhh)

office is loaded with aroma of nescafe

time to exercise! walk walk walk! walk to post office and walk back..

in a quiet meeting room, me & my manager are having meeting in a quiet + cold meeting room.. and.. there's a weird sound here.. someone's stomach is growling.. oppsss.. it's mine!! >.<

take a fresh breath & have something to fed the poor little empty stomach..

aroma of nescafe, again, filled the office..

date ms.C THC


cant see the pic clear now.. brain said it dun wan 2 think anymore..
so that's all for prediction today..

allice tan




(一)人生福祸无常,谁也不知可以活多久,有些事情还是早一 点说好。
(三)这备忘录里记载的,都是我经过惨痛失败得回来的体验, 可以为你的成长省回不少冤枉路。



(二)没有人是不可代替,没有东西是必须拥有。看透了这一 点,将来你身边的人不再要你,或许失去了世间上最爱的一切 时,也应该明白,这并不是甚么大不了的事。

(三)生命是短暂的,今日你还在浪费着生命,明日会发觉生 命已远离你了。因此,愈早珍惜生命,你享受生命的日子也愈 多,与其盼望长寿,倒不如早点享受。

(四)世界上并没有最爱这回事,爱情只是一种霎时的感觉, 而这感觉绝对会随时日、心境而改变。如果你的所谓最爱离 开你,请耐心地等候一下,让时日慢慢冲洗,让心灵慢慢沉 淀,你的苦就会慢慢淡化。不要过分憧憬爱情的美,不要过分夸 大失恋的悲。

(五)虽然,很多有成就的人士都有受过很多教育,但并不等 如不用功读书,就一定可以成功。你学到的知识,就是你拥 有的武器。人,可以白手兴家,但不可以手无寸铁,紧记

(六)我不会要求你供养我下半辈子,同样地我也不会供养你 的下半辈子,当你长大到可以独立的时候,我的责任已经完 结。以后,你要坐巴士还是Benz,吃鱼翅还是粉丝,都要自己负责。


(八)我买了十多二十年六合彩,还是一穷二白,连三奖也没 有中,这证明人要发达,还是要努力工作才可以,世界上并没有免费午餐。

(九)亲人只有一次的缘份,无论这辈子我和你会相处多久, 也请好好珍惜共聚的时光,下辈子,无论爱与不爱,都不会再见 。






就像,就像… 像什么呢?我也形容不出…



allice tan

I am What I am!!

Above & Beyond pres. Oceanlab - I Am What I Am

I know you've read
So many books
You keep a breast of all the things you think you should
You've got your own home grown philosophy
And it works for you
But please don't try to make it work for me

You have nothing to prove
But you're trying much too hard
Stop trying to change me (Stop trying to change me…)
I am what I am (I am what I am…)
No I don't need you to save me (I don't need you to save me…)
I am what I am (I am what I am…)

I don't want you to show me (I don't need you to show me…)
Because I stand where I stand (I stand where I stand…)
I just need you to know me (just need you to know me)
Just know who I am (Just know who I am…)

Just know who I am...
Just know who I am...

I know you feel
You need to prove
That you are good at something
Everything you try to do
And people have on your every word
That you deliver
With conviction
Though they may just be absurd

Leave your armor behind
Free your vulnerable mind

Stop trying to change me (Stop trying to change me…)
I am what I am (I am what I am…)
No I don't need you to save me (I don't need you to save me…)
I am what I am (I am what I am…)
I don't want you to show me (I don't need you to show me…)
Because I stand where I stand (I stand where I stand…)
I just need you to know me (just need you to know me)
Just know who I am (Just know who I am…)

Just know who I am...
Just know who I am...


i have 2 younger sisters. both of them born in the 1st week of June. and both of them called Chris.
my 'blood' sister called me 'san1 jie3' & another sister who has no 'blood-related' one called me 'ah jie2'.

that day, i had dinner with my no-blood-related sister. it had been around 2 years that we did not meet up. but still, she is so cool & so warm. cool in her character, and warm in her heart.
although she is the younger one, the care & concern she shares is much more than how i could give her. i am so lucky to know her in 2005. oh my god! i know her for 5 years already!! time flies..

still remember that time when we stay in small little room in KC, she & our no-blood-related mother always take care of me. they helped me in lots of things when the stupid me got into trouble. when i was sick, especially that time, when i walked alone to pusat perubatan, and fainted there for hours, sis came & accompanied me back to our hostel. on the way back, i almost faint again, kneel down at the roadside, can't speak, can't hear, can't see... she was so worried, kept asking if i still ok to go back or need to go to pusat perubatan again. i ended up manage to walk back hostel & fainted again on my bed once i entered the room.

when we moved out from KC, i did not stay together with them, my family in serdang, but they never stop their concern to me. when they know that i have not enough money, they invited me to have lunch or dinner at their house. i could not forget the lovely food prepared by my family there. and when they know that i got problem, they always help me to solve or give me idea or suggestion. once, when i disappeared, they were being asked by my coursemates, and they kept calling me eventhough they knew that i've already switched off my handphone, especially my sister. i was so guilty to make her & ah ma worry.

sister called me and asked if i am still at mid valley. she was there! surprise & excited! since she is so busy with her work.
we had our dinner at the korean store there and kept talking. or, maybe can say as i was the one who can't stop talking. when talked about our recently life, she 心疼 me, and said, ah jie, you are too tired, you need a rest. she wanted to sponsor me to go to find ah ma! what's a good sister i have!

time flies & changes lots of things, but her care & concern is still there! my first tear dropped that night when she show her care to me, and willing to help me in any method i want, i just need to open my mouth. touch.

she wanted me to promise her something, and i really tried my best to keep the promise.
and she, really keep her words.. does what she said everyday..

yogai! my sister asked me not to scare you all, must fight back! and  she is there willing to give me support! hence, i should not be like that anymore!! i will stand up on my own foot!!

sis, thx ya so much! luv ya!

allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan allice tan
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思想轉換 - 心態的力量 【The strength of mindset】

A daughtercomplains toward the father, everything is difficult.

她不知如何應付生活,好像一個問題剛剛解決,新的問題又會 出現,她有些厭倦。
She finds it hard to cope with life, seem a problem just resolve, the new problem appeared again, she was tired.

Her father is a cook, bring her into the kitchen.

He goes toward first to pour into some waters in 3 pots, then puts on the fire.

Soon, water boiling.

他往第一口鍋裡放一些胡蘿蔔,第二口鍋裡放入雞蛋,第三口 鍋裡放入碾成粉末的咖啡豆。
He put some carrots in the first pot, put an egg into the second pot, put some coffee powder into the third pot.

20分鐘後,父親把火關了,把胡蘿蔔撈出來,放入一個碗內, 把雞蛋撈出來,放入一個鍋內,然後把咖啡舀到一個杯子裡。
20 minutes later, father off the fire, take out the carrot. Go to the second pot take out the egg, and  then ladling up the coffee to a cup.

The father turned to ask his daughter:

'Kid, what do you come in sight of?'

「Carrot, egg, coffee」She say.

He lets her come closer to touch the carrot.

She noticed the carot become soft.

父親又讓女兒拿一個雞蛋,打破它,剝掉殼,這是一個煮熟的 雞蛋。
The father lets the daughter take the egg, breaking it, peel the egg shell,this is a cooked egg.

Last, the father lets her drink a mouthful of coffee.

Taste to the very thick coffee, the daughter smile, she asked:

'Father, what does this mean?'

The father says three things face same adverse circumstances-boiling water.

But its reflection is not same.

胡蘿蔔入鍋前是強壯的、結實的,放進開水,它變軟了、變弱 了。
The carrot, before put in to the pot, it is strong and hard, after putting into the boiled water, it become soft,become weak.

雞蛋原來是易碎的,薄薄的外殼保護著液態的內臟,開水一煮, 內臟變硬。
The egg is originally crumbly, the very thin outer shell protects the internal organs of the liquid, once  the boiled water cook, the internal organs become hard.

The coffee bean powder then is very special, entering boiling water, they changed the water then.

We can learn how carrot,egg and coffee bean react in the difficulties and adverse circumstances.  They can accept defeat, can become stronger, and even can change environment/surrounding.

The father say:

Your cannot change the environment, but can change yourself;

Your cannot change the fact, but can change an attitude;

Your cannot change the past, but can change the present;

You have no command over others, but can control yourself;

You can't predict tomorrow, but can hold on today;

You can't be doing smooth and well in everything, but can devote your best effort;

You can't change weather, but can change a mood;

You can't change facial appearance, but can emerge with smiling face;

Yes, the mindset sometimes is important compares with others.


我的世界  仿佛静止在这一刻。

暖暖的Caramel Macchiato包围了整个我,把我与那个冰冷的世界隔离。


还记得以前在沙登的时候,要么就跑去The Mines去看电影,要么就到湖边跑步然后坐着发呆。离开沙登搬到双威后,做工了,每次回到双威的时候都已经很迟了,没能跑步,就换去喝咖啡了。




曾经  有个人告诉我,他爱喝涩涩的红酒,因为那涩涩的感觉,就好像人生。
我倒觉得桌上这杯Caramel Macchiato更可以贴切地用来形容人生。

好多人都爱的caramel dizzle,就像人人都追求的幸福。
一层层的Caramel Macchiato,不也像人生不同的阶段吗?






2010.5.21 10.37pm 愛麗絲 @ Starbucks, Sunway Pyramid

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i posted the blog 3 years ago..
when orange & 333 broke up.
was very angry that time when 333 treated orange like that.. they were so sweet & happy when the time we at bm, but how come the situation changed like that? it's very difficult for me to accept.. i felt that orange was very pity.. but i never think from 333 & sam side that time.. hence, i never know how suffer 333 & sam were.. the suffer that 333 passed through.. the suffer that sam experienced.. so, i owe them an apologize..

Sorry 333 & sam.. my sincere apologize to both of you..
i'm so glad to know the sweetness of you two via Facebook, especially the malacca trip that 333 waited for long time! i can feel how sweet the trip was via the photos :)

not sure you guys will read this post or not, but i am just.. just.. wanna say sorry.. i not dare to dig back the old story when chatting with you.. not dare say it in front of you..please forgive this little chicken..

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Green Day - 21 Guns

Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?

Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I


very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very disappointed!!!!

but ice cannot cry there! i should be tough enough! even i am not really tough! i had to act like that!
i could feel how pain my heart is! but nobody could feel how sad i am!


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a note shared by jezzonefly on facebook...



如果你不是真心,就不要轻易插足我的旅程,我很容易感动, 很容易满足,也许你不经意对我的好我都会一直记得,也许会因 为你不在意的举动会伤心很久;

如果你不是真心,就不要轻易进入我的世界,我不会坚强,不 会防备,你说的每句话我都会相信,我能给你的就是绝对的信 任;

如果你不是真心,就不要轻易跨进我的国度,我会固执,会小 气,
我很珍惜每个进来的人,就算碰得头破血流我也不会轻易放手, 我不想留给自己太多遗憾...... 等待那个人我投入的会是我全部的真心....

a song to mom

dedicated my il divo's song to a special one..

il divo's mama..

to my mom, an angel of earth.. ♥ ♥ ♥

Mama, thank you for who I am
Thank you for all the things I'm not
Forgive me for the words unsaid
For the times I forgot

Mama remember all my life
You showed me love, you sacrificed
Think of those young and early days
How I've changed along the way [along the way]

And I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, yeah I miss you

Mama forgive the times you cried
Forgive me for not making right
All of the storms I may have caused
And I've been wrong, Dry your eyes [dry your eyes]

Cause I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, I miss you

Mama I hope this makes you smile
I hope you're happy with my life
At peace with every choice I made
How I've changed along the way [along the way]

Cause I know you believed in all of my dreams
And I owe it all to you, Mama


sharp 8a.m in the morning..
unexpected call received..

it's from a satan! yea! satan vincent called!
he's spreading the good news to me!
made my mood turn good!

so happy that he still remember what he promised!

so proud of him that he can passed all the difficult tests & now he is with the title of Dr.

well done guy!!

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when ALLICE is no longer Adorable, no longer Lovely & no longer Lâche, there's time for ICE!

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just reached home at 10 in the morning.
sign in my facebook, and saw a message from my love one.
she said she felt that she should send me that message and told me lots of her thinking/opinion.

tears drop after read the message.
she said something that i could not deny, the cruel truth that i never want to face.
i admit that i am little chicken.

dear, i know what you mean. sure i will accept what you said, and i believe that this little chicken will get her gut very soon.

you are not long-winded at all! i like to receive your long long message which show your love, your care, your concern to me, i do really appreciate.

you know what, when i saw the tag from you on the photo that day, there's only one word in my mind! ji mui! yes! not only best friend!
you really help me a lot! when you know my situation that time, you help me to solve it within 15 minutes! without me to open mouth to seek for your help! gosh! who else can treat me like this?

give me some time, and you will see what's going to happen!

i am no longer wish for the rainbow after rain, but now, learning to enjoy & dance in the rain ^.~

p/s: going back to bm next week. i believe that grandma will be very well that time when i back! :)

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溢出 来。
和尚说:“这个世界上没有什么事是放不下的,痛了,你自然就 会放下。”

因为无论你对他怎么好 他都不领情
他不是看不到 他只是装作看不到
联系不到他的时候 你担心他担心的快疯了
你觉得那很正常 不算苛求
记住 你的想法不代表他的想法
所以 别觉得你那么爱他是伟大的
你说道理你都懂 只是你做不好
所以如果你喜欢他 他不喜欢你
就算你会难过 甚至难过的流泪






现在我对你很好、很好、很好,你不需要、你无所谓、你不在 乎,你不珍惜。。。。
当某天,你被伤害,想起我。那时的我再也做不到像现在这样一 如既往、不顾一切的对你好了。。。

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so sick

cant stop coughing in the meeting last night.

finished meeting and reached home at 11p.m. something. Sandra was the one who send me home last night because Penny had to finished her things downstairs and won't back so early.
i was very suffer in Sandra's car. tried not to breath so that i won't cough inside her car, because there are 3 beauty managers sitting in the car, i did not want my virus to spread to them as they need to 'fight' during the weekends.
once i got out from the car, released, cough again. then the security guard asked me, 'sakit ar?' haha..

vincent msn me asking me something and then read my status message in msn, asked me to go to buy serup. i told him that i went to see doctor and the doctor gave me pills, but he said pills cant help much.
i listed down all the pills that doctor gave me, and found that the pills doctor gave me is.. damn!!
you know what, vincent said:

...anyway ur dr. is just a stupid rich guy
dont go to him anymore
just go pharmacy n buy the drug
i give u a prescription....
and he asked me to write down what i should buy from pharmacy today, and also, asked me to go to sleep =.=

that was the second time i visit the clinic at boulevard there. if you wanna ask my feedback on the first visit, i can definitely tell you that, i do not like the doctor, her way of treating patient and her attitude.. then i prefer to go to clinic which is not in our panel list, but, seems like it could be a big issue as my superior pulled me to starbucks and told me something..
actually, i don't care about the claim, i never think of wanna claim back the money, and, i don't mind to deduct my unpaid leave as i have no more annual leave to take. i just want to seek doctor advice or get the drug so that i won't suffer from the pain. (i was having a serious gastric that time)
hence, few days ago, when i suffer from running nose, sore throat and cough, when colleagues said that nowadays many virus attacked, asked me don't spread the virus in the office, and i decided to go to mid valley clinic.

i do not want to go boulevard clinic anymore because of my previous experience and tomoko's case. tomoko had to admitted to hospital immediately that time, but when she went to the clinic for checking, the doctor said that's nothing, even blood test also no need. luckily tomoko insist want to do the blood test. and, they don't even bother anymore. they told her that the result will come out at 6pm, but she wait until 8pm they still not yet tell her the result, when she called back and asked, they only checked. and called back to ask her to admitted to hospital immediately!! damn terrible right?

i thought i can go to the clinic inside mid valley megamall, but then Penny said the priority given is the boulevard one, she asked me to go to the boulevard clinic.

these are the pills i take for these few days:
  • cloperastine HCI
  • loratadine
  • chlorpheniramine
  • paracetamol
stupid me almost finish the pills, yes, almost, i left 1 each now!! and no any 'improvement'!! and vincent asked if i had fever because the doctor gave me paracetamol! WTH!! i still remember sky did tell me that the active in paracetamol is not really 'accurate' in each pill, and he asked me not to take it if not necessary.. but WTH stupid (oh no! not stupid! i'm the stupid one!) the smart clever doctor asked me to take 2 pills with the contains of 1000mg each!
i will never NEVER go to the clinic anymore!! the clinic at boulevard!! blacklisted!!

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